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#1 Free Coffee Dating Site for Coffee Lovers

Meet single coffee lovers in your local area at, the free dating site for single coffee lovers.

Are you looking for a casual singles dating community for dating where you can just simply meet local singles for coffee? If so is just the place for you.

It is 100% free of cost to use all features of this website.

The most common user of CFD (Coffee Friends Date) is the single person who prefers low-key casual meet-ups at a local coffee shop.


Just Coffee Dating

Secondarily we have a growing number of singles from the barista community as well as coffee afficionado community.

The bottom line is whether you are single and looking to chat over a good cup of joe or if you want to meet a single local barista, or even talk coffee blends; Coffee Friends Date is the welcoming place for you.

All we ask is that you are in fact single and that you take the time to complete a profile and add at least 4 real photos of you. Please also make sure they are recent.

This is after all a "Meet for Cofee" centered dating site.


Barister, Roaster, or Just Casual Coffee Drinkers

Were you looking for an app for single local coffee lovers? Why fuss with installing anything on your phone when the coffee friends dating site is totally mobile friendly.

We built the dating site for coffee lovers to be simple and easy to use on the go to save you time and money.

Join now and see what you are missing out on. We have thousands of local single coffee lovers just waiting to meet you.